Welcome to ‘Its A GAS’…!

….and thanks for looking at this site!                   

I created this website to provide a user-friendly platform for us to share ideas, thoughts, pictures and feedback for the ‘It’s A GAS’ program (hereby known as IAG!)
I should explain at this stage that ‘It’s A GAS’ stands for Great Artist Series!  (I know, the name does have all kind of other connotations, particularly for the elementary school age group but there we go!).  It is a fantastic program adopted by the elementary schools in our area as a way of introducing well known artists and their work to young children.  It is run completely by volunteers and this year I have the honor of co-ordinating the program for my children’s school.
At this point I should stress that I am personally NOT a great artist!  Thankfully you don’t have to be to volunteer for IAG.  Being a little creative helps, as does having some patience and not being allergic to Elmers Glue!  Apart from that, there are no pre-requisites to volunteer!
Being a busy mom, I know that I don’t always have time to read every email or look at every piece of paper that gets sent home from school (eeeeek! does that make me a bad person??!?!) so I thought a website would be a great way of sharing information with other like-minded souls! 
It’s only fair to warn you at this stage that this is my first time creating a website and my first time co-ordinating the IAG program so this will be very much a learning experience!  Aaargghhh!

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